Beber ROCKS!

Beber Camp's Rock and Roll Headquarters!


This is the website dedicated to the rock bands of B'nai B'rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, WI. It documents their meteoric rise to fame, legendary recording sessions, and epic concert performances.

For more information about Beber Camp, please visit or to setup a tour, call the summer office at 800-803-CAMP.

Join our Facebook group for updates! 


Keep Camping Free!!

What do you do when one of your campers is in the health center for a hobby, one of your staff is on the senior Ramot trip, and all you have is one amazing musician camper and one incredible recording staff member with unexpected time on their hands???

You write an awesome parody of Free Falling about the great experiences at camp - along with name dropping some staff and paying tribute to their accents ;)

We give you Ruthie’s “Free Campin’”!

Beber Camp Music 2018