Beber ROCKS!

Beber Camp's Rock and Roll Headquarters!


This is the website dedicated to the rock bands of B'nai B'rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, WI. It documents their meteoric rise to fame, legendary recording sessions, and epic concert performances.

For more information about Beber Camp, please visit or to setup a tour, call the summer office at 800-803-CAMP.

Join our Facebook group for updates! 


K1 Writes and Records Their First Hit!

After the success of two talent show performances, the K1 Direction snuck into the recording studio to record their self-written song: “Right Here Right Now”. Co-written by Jacob and Will (as well as drums and piano played by them respectively), bass from Charles, and vocals from Liam, their manager Levi decided that their song will be the next hit, releasing it exclusively to Beber Rocks. We invite you to sit back and rock and roar with K1 Direction.

Beber Camp Music 2018