Beber ROCKS!

Beber Camp's Rock and Roll Headquarters!


This is the website dedicated to the rock bands of B'nai B'rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, WI. It documents their meteoric rise to fame, legendary recording sessions, and epic concert performances.

For more information about Beber Camp, please visit or to setup a tour, call the summer office at 800-803-CAMP.

Join our Facebook group for updates! 


"Hey Mom" says Hello to Stardom


"Hey Mom," a dynamic rock band, effortlessly channeled the spirit of nostalgia with their electrifying rendition of "When I Come Around" by Green Day. With their own signature twist, Ari (vocals/percussion), Oreo (drums), Mari (vocals), Sylvie (piano), Ruthie (bass), Jacob (electric guitar), and Ellie (drums) breathed new life into this iconic track, capturing the essence of youthful rebellion and carefree energy that Green Day is known for. "Hey Mom" brought their own unique sound to the stage, infusing the song with passion and charisma. Their performance was a powerful homage to both their rock influences (the moms of the world) and the timeless appeal of Green Day's music. Check out the performance below!

Beber Camp Music 2018