Beber ROCKS!

Beber Camp's Rock and Roll Headquarters!


This is the website dedicated to the rock bands of B'nai B'rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, WI. It documents their meteoric rise to fame, legendary recording sessions, and epic concert performances.

For more information about Beber Camp, please visit or to setup a tour, call the summer office at 800-803-CAMP.

Join our Facebook group for updates! 


The Donut Holes Rare Rehearsal Video

Before the Donut Holes broke through into the mainstream at their legendary performance in the Fine Arts Fest, they holed up in a rehearsal studio in Mukwonago, WI for five days to refine their live sound.

Though they rarely release videos like this, managed to get hold of a video of one of their rehearsals. We think you'll agree that the future of pop/rock is here, and its name is The Donut Holes!

Beber Camp Music 2018