Beber ROCKS!

Beber Camp's Rock and Roll Headquarters!


This is the website dedicated to the rock bands of B'nai B'rith Beber Camp in Mukwonago, WI. It documents their meteoric rise to fame, legendary recording sessions, and epic concert performances.

For more information about Beber Camp, please visit or to setup a tour, call the summer office at 800-803-CAMP.

Join our Facebook group for updates! 


The Emojis

We're The Emojis!😎💩😍

We are Josh, Rachel, Shai, Annika and Zoe. 
Shai likes Taekwondo.
Josh likes lanyards. 
Annika likes kitties.
Rachel likes arts and crafts.

Ethan Miller is our guest drummer in the group.

Our favorite songs are 'Shut Up And Dance',
Back to 3BC', 
'Shake It Off',
'Bad Blood'

Our song 'Beber Forever' is about Beber Camp.


Tickle me Chickens

Tickle me Chickens are:


Sophie- Sophie is from buffalo Grove, Il. This is her fourth summer and has been a part of the stuido for all of them with Hannah Kaplan.


Melanie- Melanie is from Highland Park, Il. This is also her fourth summer at camp she has taken part in the stuido for 3 out of her 4 years.


Hannah Davidson- Hannah is from Buffalo Grove, il. This is her fourth summer at camp. She has taken part in the studio for 2 out of her 4 years.


Hannah Kaplan- Hannah is from Deerfield, Il. This her fourth summer and she has been in the stuido for all of them with Sophie. 

2 York Serenades Wisconsin

These two New York natives formed a band in Mukwonago, WI, and found a British producer/musician to join them for their recordings and lives shows. Check out their performances at BeberFest and listen to their live AND studio recordings!

Lightning McJew Rocks Ramot!

Lightning McJew stole Ramot's heart with their deep, emotional renderings of classic songs. Check out their performance video from Fine Artst Fest below, as well as their live and studio recordings, and rehearsal videos too!

Melody and Zoe taking a selfie in the recording studio after laying down vocal overdubs on the song!

Melody and Zoe taking a selfie in the recording studio after laying down vocal overdubs on the song!

Guitar Building Hobby just Keeps Rockin!

The Guitar Building hobby tried something new for 2017 and made lap steels - popular in Hawaiian and country music. The campers never fail to come up with great designs - we made two guitars, one of which looks like a tree with branches coming off the body, and the other is, of course, a guitar that looks like corn on the cob, with Asst. Dir. Joel Bennett's caricaturized face and a quote that he loves to say at dinner! Joel was flattered of course! Check out the photos of the making of the guitars!

The Villagers put the Pio Village on the Rock n Roll Map!

The Villagers are the first band ever to come out of the mean streets of Pio Village at Beber Camp. Their ferocious stage energy has become legendary, as you'll see from their landmark performance headlining the Fine Arts Fest below. You can also hear and download that performance AND their late-night recording session of Dani California below, and enjoy rehearsal videos too. If you can't take the rock, get out of the Village!

Air Guitar Takes the Stage at Beber

Air guitar Fever has gripped Beber, and cabin activities will never be the same again! Watch the ferocity and commitment these cabins are demonstrating as they go for the gold on the Air Band world stage! It's fun, it's good excercise, and frankly we just think it's funny watchin Makor kids rock out to 80's hair metal!

Debut of the Film Scoring Hobby!

The very first Film Scoring hobby ever at Beber Camp is in the books. Delilah and Tova from Ramot tackled two projects.

The first was to set Maccabiah highlights to music - they wrote high-energy music with several different themes, and it works perfectly.

The second is a study in contract between happy and sad music, and instead of using someone else's footage, they made their own movie highlighting all the great stuff at Beber Camp. And don't worry parents, the stuff you see over the sad music is not what the captions claim! Everything's great and the sun is ALWAYS shining at Beber Camp!

Check out the videos below:

Beber Camp Music 2018